A 31-year-old Merchant Navy officer from Mumbai was acquitted by a sessions court in a rape case filed by his former girlfriend. The woman had accused him of rape, claiming he had promised to marry her before their physical relationship.
The court, presided over by Judge DD Khoche, stated that there was no clear evidence of an express promise of marriage before their consensual relationship. After reviewing the evidence and legal precedents, the court concluded that the case did not fall under the definition of rape.
The couple came from different castes and cultural backgrounds—the woman was Bengali, and the man was Maharashtrian. The man cited opposition from his family as the reason for not pursuing the relationship further.
The court highlighted that the woman, being an adult of sound understanding, should have considered the challenges posed by their cultural and caste differences before engaging in a relationship. The court also observed that the woman had acknowledged during her testimony that there was only a mutual understanding of marriage, not a concrete promise.
The court clarified that an “understanding” is subjective and only becomes a “promise” when explicitly stated and mutually agreed upon. Based on these findings, the court acquitted the man and dismissed the case.
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