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Air India Urination Case: Shankar Mishra’s Lawyer Claims Woman Urinated on Herself Due to Incontinence

In a controversial case, Shankar Mishra, who was arrested on January 7 by Delhi Police for allegedly urinating on a senior citizen during an Air India flight, has made a new claim through his lawyer. The incident took place on November 26 last year during a flight from New York to Delhi. Mishra was reportedly intoxicated at the time, and after the incident, Air India banned him for 30 days.

An FIR was filed against Mishra on January 4 after the victim, a senior citizen woman, lodged a complaint with Air India. The charges include several sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), such as Section 294 (obscene act in a public place), Section 354 (assault or criminal force to a woman with intent to outrage her modesty), Section 509 (act intended to insult the modesty of a woman), and Section 510 (misconduct in public by a drunken person). The case also falls under the Aircraft Rules.

On January 13, Mishra’s lawyer told a Delhi court that the woman had urinated on herself, claiming that she suffers from incontinence. He argued that it was not possible for Mishra to reach the complainant’s seat due to it being blocked. The lawyer further mentioned that the woman is a Kathak dancer, stating that 80 percent of Kathak dancers experience similar issues.

In response, the court remarked that it is not difficult to move across seats on an aircraft, countering the lawyer’s claim. The judge pointed out that passengers can move freely from one part of the plane to another.

The court has now asked for a diagram showing the seating arrangement inside the flight to further investigate the matter. The case is still under legal review, and more updates are expected as the proceedings continue.

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