43-Year-Old Man Writes to PMO Against False Rape Charges by Partner
Arnab Ganguly, a 43-year-old businessman, has written to the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) and the Ministry of Women and Child Development, protesting false rape charges filed against him by a woman who had promised to marry him.
In his petition, Ganguly claims that while men often face rape charges for ending relationships, he was accused despite keeping the relationship intact. According to him, the woman was only interested in a sexual relationship, not marriage.
Arnab Ganguly, who moved to Gurugram in 2015 after an eight-year divorce, set up a call center where he met the woman. “She worked as an HR executive at my company. We developed a personal relationship after a few months, during which she shared her painful marriage story. Having experienced a divorce myself, I offered her advice on how to handle her situation,” Ganguly explained.
The woman eventually expressed her love for Ganguly, and he asked if she wanted to divorce her husband. “At 42, I was not looking for a casual relationship. We became physically intimate only after she assured me of marriage. She asked for time to decide and promised to give a final decision by January last year,” he said.
However, Ganguly soon realized that the woman was avoiding marriage. “I planned to visit her and her family on March 6 last year to discuss our marriage. But, four days before my trip, the Delhi police arrested me at my Kolkata home on rape charges,” he recounted.
After spending eight months in Tihar Jail, Ganguly decided to write to lawmakers about the misuse of legal provisions against innocent individuals. In his petition to the PMO, he questioned, “If a woman promises to marry a man, gets physically intimate, and then refuses to marry him, can a rape charge be filed against her?”
It took Arnab Ganguly six years to prove his innocence.
This case highlights the potential misuse of laws and the severe impact on those wrongfully accused. Ganguly’s story underscores the need for legal reform to prevent such injustices and ensure that laws are applied fairly.
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