Uttarakhand High Court Fines Husband for Misleading Wife in Divorce Case
The Uttarakhand High Court fined a husband ₹1 lakh for misleading his wife into signing divorce summons without her knowledge, setting aside the ex-parte divorce decree.
The Uttarakhand High Court fined a husband ₹1 lakh for misleading his wife into signing divorce summons without her knowledge, setting aside the ex-parte divorce decree.
The Uttarakhand High Court fined a husband Rs. 1 lakh for misleading his wife into signing divorce summons without her knowledge, setting aside the ex-parte divorce decree
The Uttarakhand High Court fined a husband for misleading his wife to sign divorce summons. The court ruled that the husband acted unfairly by living with his wife during the divorce process and obtaining an ex-parte divorce.